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LAMBO - The Book

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Personalization: Book

François Daigle "The Eagle" Bérubé presents LAMBO - The Art of Multiplying Profits and Opportunities. This is a real book, it is not a joke.

Book : A masterpiece on the art of doing business differently
Signed book : a generic but collectible word.
Signed Book : A personalized note inspired by your name, city, or other compromising information the F finds on you.

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Pierre-Yves McSween

If I had read this book earlier, I would have retired at 15


There are more nuggets in this book than in my muffins.

Olivier Primeau

It's not just in the dictionary that the F comes before the P

Money talks. I listen.

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Under the eagle's wing

Several franchises have called on his services to review their strategic plan.

Fire Sale

There is no better school of sales than door-to-door.

Walk the talk

Don't let your family dinners create a distraction from achieving your goals.

The Art of Multiplying Profits and Opportunities

Born on the outskirts of Wall Street, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, François Daigle “The Eagle” Bérubé is perhaps the greatest of all success coaches. From Silicon Valley to Quebec Inc., nothing stops him.

Trainer, angel investor, speaker and author, it is in a spirit of sharing that he wishes to transfer his knowledge and guide readers on the highway to success.

A born entrepreneur, he opens the doors to his secret garden by revealing all the things he stole from the secret gardens of the greatest: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney and of course Jesus.

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